Always be kissing the sun…

There is something to say about the beauty and healing of sunshine.

Have you ever met someone that feels like sunshine? Sunshine for me is powerful and releases a healing energy. Sunshine is contagious and a reflection of light, as in light that brightens everything around you. Who doesn’t want to feel healed and a surge of renewed energy?

My therapist shared this video on Facebook, Always Clean The Light, and the message deeply spoke to me.

“Always take care of the light. There is a light inside each of us that must be nurtured, that must be cared for, that needs to shine brightly. It hasn’t been addressed, it hasn’t been talked to, it hasn’t been loved. Give it the music that it wants, give it the dance it needs, give it the sunshine it so admires, give it the stars at night. Your light- that thing that shines so brightly that others want to see, needs to be nurtured and loved and cared for. Its been forgotten. We are given this time to really take care of the light. Shine- and when you do you give others permission to do the same. Don’t hide your light. The world needs you to shine.” -Dr. Betrice Berry

So poetic. So profound. So magnetic. So true.

When someone says you make them feel like Sunshine- that is one of the biggest compliments you can receive. "Give light and people will find the way." Ella J. Bake

There were times when my sunshine dimmed. I buried it away and darkness overcame; I felt a sense of cloudiness and amplified triggering anxiety. My family and friends would say to me- “You are not yourself, your light is not shinning, your energy is not bright. You seem detached and removed. You are hurting.” Sometimes when you are walking in a clouded space- you don’t realize what is going on around you. Your vision is blurred and you are unable to see the light, and deep down you are suppressing those feelings. Your subconscious knows and feels it. Hell, you may even feel a sense of emptiness or even know the right direction to go but it is a hard decision to make. You need the chains to be broken around your heart for healing. When storms come and clouds cover the light, we must try and dig deep to maintain a sense of hope and energy for a better day, a better tomorrow. It is easier said than done, I know, but we also must dig deep and understand what are these storms trying to teach us? How can we survive the storm?

People may look at me and say, Stasia- you are always bringing the light and energy. You are my lemonade and my sunshine. You always make ever day feel like my Saturday. That is who I believe God has created me to be. It is in my DNA, but that doesn’t mean at my root I am not growing. Tabitha Brown said in her book Feeding The Soul, “ We don’t eat the fruit right after we plant the seed.” I HIGHLY recommend this read. From the outside we can appear as if we have it all put together, and on the inside there are things we must nourish and heal.

One of my mentors puts into practice a word for every year to live by. One year her word was surrender. When things get rough and situations arise that you feel you have no control over- surrender. When the storm comes- surrender. For me- surrender meant to release and let go- to give it to Jesus and to not put too much energy or stress around it. To not dwell and overthink, but surrender to the power of letting it be.

Have you ever walked into a room feeling your best and you notice how many eyes are on you? That is your light you are shinning. When you hone in to your own light and carry it with confidence- you instantly attract and draw attention and connection.

The years of 2019- 2020, I hit some hard moments inn my life when I was knocked down. Moments where I learned, grew, and had to focus on filling my cup. I learned that I didn’t lose my sunshine- she just disappeared. She needed a moment to surrender, breathe, and take a step back. Jesus pulled me out of the darkness. He has protected me in so many ways when I wasn’t sure if I could get back up. Like I said, being the light is in my DNA- I knew that my work was not done and I just needed a moment.

There is an app I really like called “I am” and it sends affirmations how often you want the notifications to pop up. Let me tell you, they are always on time! Life is rough. The year of 2020 depression and mental health took an extreme hit for many people around the world. We must practice empathy and compassion. We must feed our souls. We must understand how to allow and give space for others. My inner circle and family are amazing. There are seasons of your life that you have to experience to grow and elevate. Listen to your heart and listen to that light.

Always be kissing the sun. Always nourish your light.

This is what I learned after I cleaned my light (and continue to do so):

  • Not everyone that is drawn towards you is for you. Notice how you feel when you are with certain company and how you feel when you depart

  • Protect your energy (emotional, physical, mental, spiritual)- that is your gift

  • Put yourself first and focus on you

  • Compassion fatigue is real. Be mindful of how often you show up for others and don’t neglect yourself

    Bag lady you goin' hurt your back
    Draggin' all 'em bags like that
    I guess nobody ever told you
    All you must hold on to
    Is you, is you, is you (Erykah Badu)

  • When anxiety hits- practice box breathing to manage the episode

  • Find your center and what keeps you balanced and at peace

  • Stop giving out sandwiches- call a thing a thing and communicate effectively

  • Break through those insecurities and affection you are seeking- and love yourself unconditionally

  • Asking for help and being vulnerable is not a weakness

  • Understand saying “no” is healthy

  • Lead with purpose and intention

  • Music is powerful therapy

  • Avoid those that are not emotionally available

  • Deeply know what love looks and feels to you

  • Understand love languages- this is foundational for any relationship/friendships/family

  • Find your voice

  • Practice healthy “things” that gives you peace- cooking, working out, listening to music, praise and worship, talking to a friend, taking yourself out to eat or on an experience

  • Quiet and alone time is powerful and important

  • Rest. Rest. Rest

  • You are worthy, you have a gift, you have purpose, you are not alone, you are loved


Always be spending time…


Always be reflecting…